Families are at the very cornerstone of every society. When relationships breakdown, its important to find a family lawyer willing to help you through the difficult times.
Before starting any process the court does expect the parties to mediate.
Family Solicitors in London
For expert legal advice or immediate representation regarding your Family or relationship matter call a Family Solicitors today at Andrews & Monroe on 07521844993 now; or alternatively send an email or request a call back.
Our family solicitors will assist with:
Divorce/ Civil partnerships - our aim for the parties to separate amicably. Not always achievable; but its the most cost effective way to deal with terminating a long term relationship. Click here for more information.
Property/financial disputes. Our view is that there is no point in a long protracted legal battle and being embroiled in a bitter dispute. Try to reach an agreement where possible. A court case must be as a last resort and this is encouraged by the courts. For further information, click the link referred to above.
Children. Some parents are sensible and understand the need for the children to see both parties and a satisfactory outcome is achieved for all. Other parents can't see the 'wood from the trees'. Our aim a practical, workable solution for all parties. This is not always easy. Click here for more information
Children & Relocation - After separation, one parent may decide to leave the UK and go back to a country where the parent has close family ties. We assist with this type of case, click here for more information.
Unmarried couples. Individuals become very surprised to learn in this type of relationships. Rights are negligible or just not as strong as married couples.
International child disputes. We have been successful in our handling of disputes where parents want to take children abroad.
With over 20 years experience we have helped many people with their family disputes.
95% of our clients were happy with the outcome of their dispute.
Need help now, complete the contact form below for a consultation.